
Saturday 8 December 2012

Genius Ways To Save On Gas

There 7 ways u can save on gas while you using your mobile. This are some tips four you.

1. At the pump, avoid gas rated E15.

The E is for ethanol, which has about 30 percent less energy than gasoline and kills mpg. (Ethanol-free gas is rare today; you’ll probably have to settle for E10.)

2. While at the filling station, inflate your tires properly and check them       for uneven wear.

And steer clear of those stickier, wider performance tires, which increase road friction and can sap mileage per gallon. Instead, opt for eco-focused tires, which reduce rolling resistance.

3. On local roads, keep cool by opening the windows, enjoying the breeze, and turning off the gas-draining air-conditioning.

At highway speeds, however, driving with the windows down creates drag. So at 40 mph or faster, roll up the windows and put on the AC.

4. Notice to hoarders:

You don’t need to lug around a case of oil, a bag of sand, or that box of antique tools you got at the garage sale, right? So empty the trunk—less weight, better mileage.

5. A warm engine is more effective,

so string errands together by driving to the farthest destination first, which will get the block heated up, and then working your way home.

6. Avoid traffic pinch points when you can.

Driving at speed is more fuel efficient than creeping along in low gear

7. Finally, get a tune - up

a smooth running engine is more efficient.

Thursday 6 December 2012


Causes, incidence, and risk factor

 Millions of people around the world are living with HIV/AIDS, including many children under age 15.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes AIDS. The virus attacks the immune system and leaves the body vulnerable to a variety of life-threatening infections and cancers.
Common bacteria, yeast, parasites, and viruses that usually do not cause serious disease in people with healthy immune systems can cause fatal illnesses in people with AIDS.
HIV has been found in saliva, tears, nervous system tissue and spinal fluid, blood, semen (including pre-seminal fluid, which is the liquid that comes out before ejaculation), vaginal fluid, and breast milk. However, only blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk have been shown to transmit infection to others.
The virus can be spread (transmitted):
  • Through sexual contact -- including oral, vaginal, and anal sex
  • Through blood -- via blood transfusions (now extremely rare in the U.S.) or needle sharing
  • From mother to child -- a pregnant woman can transmit the virus to her fetus through their shared blood circulation, or a nursing mother can transmit it to her baby in her breast milk
Other methods of spreading the virus are rare and include accidental needle injury, artificial insemination with infected donated semen, and organ transplantation with infected organs.
HIV infection is NOT spread by:
  • Casual contact such as hugging
  • Mosquitoes
  • Participation in sports
  • Touching items that were touched by a person infected with the virus
AIDS and blood or organ donation:
  • AIDS is NOT transmitted to a person who DONATES blood or organs. People who donate organs are never in direct contact with people who receive them. Likewise, a person who donates blood is never in contact with the person receiving it. In all these procedures, sterile needles and instruments are used.
  • However, HIV can be transmitted to a person RECEIVING blood or organs from an infected donor. To reduce this risk, blood banks and organ donor programs screen donors, blood, and tissues thoroughly.
People at highest risk for getting HIV include:
  • Injection drug users who share needles
  • Infants born to mothers with HIV who didn't receive HIV therapy during pregnancy
  • People engaging in unprotected sex, especially with people who have other high-risk behaviors, are HIV-positive, or have AIDS
  • People who received blood transfusions or clotting products between 1977 and 1985 (before screening for the virus became standard practice)
  • Sexual partners of those who participate in high-risk activities (such as injection drug use or anal sex)

HIV/AIDS Symptoms

Many people do not develop symptoms after getting infected with HIV. Some people have a flu-like illness within several days to weeks after exposure to the virus. They complain of feverheadache, tiredness, and enlarged lymph glands in the neck. These symptoms usually disappear on their own within a few weeks.
  • Following initial infection, you may have no symptoms. The progression of disease varies widely among individuals. This state may last from a few months to more than 10 years.

    • During this period, the virus continues to multiply actively and infects and kills the cells of the immune system. The immune system allows us to fight against the bacteria, viruses, and other infectious causes.
    • The virus destroys the cells that are the primary infection fighters, called CD4+ or T4 cells.
  • Once the immune system weakens, a person infected with HIV can develop the following symptoms:

    • Lack of energy
    • Weight loss
    • Frequent fevers and sweats
    • Persistent or frequent yeast infections
    • Persistent skin rashes or flaky skin
    • Short-term memory loss
    • Mouth, genital, or anal sores from herpes infections.
  • AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV infection. The definition of AIDS includes all HIV-infected people who have fewer than 200 CD4+ cells per microliter ofblood. The definition also includes 26 conditions that are common in advanced HIV disease but that rarely occur in healthy people. Most of these conditions are infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and other organisms.Opportunistic infections are common in people with AIDS. Nearly every organ system is affected. Some of the common symptoms include the following:

    • Cough and shortness of breath
    • Seizures and lack of coordination
    • Difficult or painful swallowing
    • Mental symptoms such as confusion and forgetfulness
    • Severe and persistent diarrhea
    • Fever
    • Vision loss
    • Nausea, abdominal cramps, and vomiting
    • Weight loss and extreme fatigue
    • Severe headaches with neck stiffness
    • Coma
  • People with AIDS are prone to develop various cancers such as Kaposi sarcoma,cervical cancer, and cancers of the immune system known as lymphomas. Kaposi sarcoma causes round, brown, reddish or purple spots that develop in the skin or in the mouth. After the diagnosis of AIDS is made, the average survival time has been estimated to be 2-3 years.

Kad Kredit ( Perlu Atau Tidak?)

Kebaikan Dan Keburukan Kad Kredit

Kad kredit merupakan kaedah pembayaran yang membolehkan anda membeli barangan atau mendapatkan perkhidmatan tanpa menggunakan wang tunai. Semua orang tahu, tapi sejauh mana pula kebaikan yang diperoleh melalui penggunaan kad kredit? Adakah perlu anda menggunakannya?

Kad kredit beri lebih keburukan. Mungkin betul ! Jika seseorang menggunakan menggunakan kad kredit ikut nafsu dan tidak berjimat- cermat, pasti mengundang bahaya. Namun di sebalik keburukan itu, ada kebaikan yang mesti anda ketahui. Faham dan bezakan sendiri baik buruknya.


  • Jika kita melancong ke luar  negara, biasanya perlu menukar wang ke mata wang asing. Dengan kad kredit anda tidak perlu membuat demikian.
  • Jika menggunakan kad kredit, kita boleh membuat bayaran dalam apa jua wang diseluruh dunia.
  • Jika pengguna boleh membuat hutang dalam tempoh tertentu, caj kewangan juga rendah.
  • Tidak perlu membawa wang tunai yang banyak.
  • Dapat melindungi sesuatu pembelian terhadap kemungkinan penipuan.
  • Satu kaedah untuk merangsang ekonomi negara kerana pembeli yang mempunyai kad kredit biasanya akan membeli sesuatu dalam jumlah yang besar.

  • Elak membeli lebih dari satu kad kredit kerana ia boleh menjadikan anda gila disebabkan masalah hutang bertimbun.
  • Kesilapan menggunakan kad kredit boleh menyebabkan anda menjadi bankrup
  • Urusan diuruskan di komputer. Kadar penyelewengan mudah berlaku
  • Menjadikan anda mudah untuk berbelanja melebihi pendapatan
  • Ramai pengguna tidak tahu menggunakan harga atau tawar menawar dengan penjual sekiranya menggunakan kad kredit
  • Tidak semua pusat beli belah menerima penggunaan kad kredit.
Memilih Kad Kredit Atau Tidak

  1. Bisanya untuk menarik perhatian anda, pengeluar kad kredit akan mengenakan yuran yang rendah pada tempoh tertentu. Anda boleh buat perbandingan tentang yuran, caj dan dan ciri-ciri yang ditawarkan oleh pengeluar kad kredit sebelum memilih kad kredit.
  2. Paling baik adalah memilih kad kredit yang mempunyai yuran yang rendah.
Perlu Tahu

  • Apabila anda menggunakan kad kredit, pengeluar kad kredit akan membayar kepada peniaga terlebih dahulu bagi pihak anda dan kemudiannya meminta bayaran dalam bentuk penyata bulanan.

Masalah Sukar Tidur

Masalah Sukar Tidur

Definisi ; sukar untuk tidur


Insomania adalah keadaan apabila kita susah untuk tidur di waktu malam. Antara faktor - faktor yang boleh menggangu tabiat tidur adalah ;

  • Perubahan waktu masuk tidur
  • Kuat tidur pada waktu siang
  • Persekitaran yang tidak sesuai untuk tidur seperti bising, panas atau terang
  • Bekerja shift
  • Tidak bersenam dengan secukupnya
  • Banyak ganguan di bilik tidur seperti televisyen, radio, telefon pintar dan komputer.
  • Perokok tegar
  • Terlalu banyak pengambilan kafein seperti kopi dan teh.
  • Pengambilan ubat-ubat tertentu seperti pil diet
  • Ganguan emosi seperti runsing, cemas dan murung
Sebelum berjumpa doktor untuk masalah insomnia, berikut antara langkah-langkah yang boleh dilakukan untuk membantu anda tidur
  1. Bersenam pada waktu petang
  2. Memakai pakaian yang selesa
  3. Mengeluarkan barangan elektrik dari bilik tidur anda seperti televisyen, radio dan komputer
  4. Tutup lampu sebelum tidur (keadaan gelap adalah yang terbaik)
  5. Berhenti minum kopi pada waktu petang

Jika masih gagal, anda boleh mengambil hormon melatonin (hormon yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan rasa mengantuk ) di waktu malam. Hormon ini boleh membantu anda mengantuk dan ia tidak menyebabkan ketagihan. Sekiranya anda masih gagal, disarankan untuk berjumpa doktor berdekatan agar masalah insomnia oleh dirawat.